Place born
Organisation / Person
1879-1941, poster artist, British

Gawthorn, Henry George

1879 - 1941

1875-1969, meteorological, aviation & surveying instrument manufacturer, London, England

Short and Mason Limited

1875 - 1969

1881-1952, manufacturer of measuring and testing machines, Leipzig, Germany

Louis Schopper

1881 - 1952

1877-1926, manufacturer of explosives, Ardeer, Scotland

Nobel's Explosives Company Limited

1877 - 1926

1879-current (2020), manufacturer of surgical instruments, London, England

Downs Surgical Limited


1881-1963, marine engineer, Scottish; British

Wallace, Sir William

1881 - 1963

1864-1944, geologist; museum director, British; English

Lyons, Sir Henry George

1864 - 1944

1867-1943, aeronautical pioneer; balloonist; meteorologist, British

Alexander, Patrick Young

1867 - 1943

1870-1952, science and technology historian; Science Museum curator, British

Dickinson, Henry Winram

1870 - 1952

1872-1942, astronomer, American

Curtis, Heber Doust

1872 - 1942

1877-1963, farmer; engineer, British; English

Hosier, Arthur Julius

1877 - 1963

1858-1939, journalist; politician, British; English

Norman, Sir Henry

1858 - 1939

1862-1912, mechanical engineer, German?

Zodel, Louis

1862 - 1912

1854-1932, inventor; businessman, American

Eastman, George

1854 - 1932

silversmiths, Sheffield

W S Savage and Company

1876 - 1929

1858-1929, scientist; inventor, Austrian

Auer von Welsbach, Carl

1858 - 1929

1873-1953, artist; painter; landscapist; marine painter, English; British

Hughes, Robert Morson

1873 - 1953

1862-present, pen manufacturer, Birmingham

C. Brandauer & Co


1881-1961, model-maker; amateur maritime archaeologist, British?

Naish, Francis Clement Prideaux

1881 - 1961

1854, vessel; screw sloop

HMS Curlew (1854)

1854 - 1865

1861-1935, wrote letter in 1917 on 'les moteurs a petrole pour sous-marins', French

Rey, Jean Alexandre

1861 - 1935

1866-1962, worked as a chemist in Wales, German-born

Wolf, Hans Karl

1866 - 1962

1851-1930, professor of botany; reporter; editor, British; Scottish

Watt, Sir George

1851 - 1930

1870-1961, active 1917-1920 as Director of airship production and of munitions, British

Given, Ernest Cranstoun

1870 - 1961

1849-1925, mathematician, Prussian; German

Klein, Christian Felix

1849 - 1925

1867-1949, Director of the 1917 Geological Survey of Egypt, British

Hume, William Fraser

1867 - 1949

1873-1948; electrical engineer; inventor; English; British.

Sydney George Brown

1873 - 1948

1872-1941, Director of Desert Surveys, Egypt, c. 1931

Ball, John

1872 - 1941

c.1870 - present, manafacturer, British

Dorman Smith Traffic Products Limited


1879-1971, railway photographer, British

Tidey, H Gordon

1879 - 1971

1875-1938, captain; photographer, British

Alston, R S

1875 - 1938

k. k. Universität zu Wien

1872 - 1975

Gresley, Sir Nigel (1876-1941), engineer

1876 - 1941

Brewer, Griffith

1867 - 1948

Silberrad, Oswald John

1878 - 1960

Barrow Ship Building Company Limited

1871 - 1897

Shallcross Stone, Flora

1851 - 1875

Redrup, Charles Benjamin

1878 - 1961

Verdon-Roe, (Edwin) Alliott

1877 - 1958

Mergenthaler, Ottmar

1854 - 1899

Groves, Robert M.

1880 - 1920

Hume, William Fraser

1867 - 1949

Ayrton, Hertha

1854 - 1923

Chapman Jones, Henry

1854 - 1932

Hackworth, Esther Ann

1862 - 1917

Ereky, Karoly

1878 - 1952

Fleming, Arthur Percy Morris

1881 - 1961

Hopkinson, John (FRS)

1849 - 1898

Burden, Harold Nelson

1860 - 1930

Sherrington, Charles Scott

1857 - 1952